
As a company we are obliged to strictly adhere to the AML (Anti-Money Laundering) policy. 

The Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act (Wwft) is aimed at monitoring and promoting the integrity of business operations and preventing companies from becoming involved in money laundering.  

We are obliged to carry out customer due diligence in order to establish the identity of the customer and the customer's stakeholder (UBO) as well as the origin of the assets. 

If unusual transactions are identified, we are obliged to report them immediately to FIU Nederland (Financial Intelligence Unit). Unusual transactions are investigated by this body in order to determine whether these transactions can be declared suspicious. 

10 over 10 is registered at the FIU Nederland.

Shopify and fraud prevention recommendations
The webshop of 10 over 10 is supported by Shopify. Shopify offers fraud prevention recommendations, which are made possible by machine learning algorithms trained on historical transactions in all Shopify shops. 

The integrated fraud prevention recommendation marks an order of medium or high risk with a warning sign. This is made possible by years of experience in fraud detection. An order with a high risk of fraud is verified and cancelled. 10 over 10 is obliged to report this. 

Appointments in person 
10 over 10 don't accept cash and only accepts bank transfers. You will always be asked for your ID card. Your personal IBAN data must match with the personal data on your ID card.